1st Match: Tag Match, 15-minute limit
Hamuko Hoshi & Kyuuri vs 235 & Maya Yukihi
2nd Match: Single Match, 20-minute limit
Cherry vs Uno Matsuya
3rd Match: Tag Match, 20-minute limit
Misaki Ohata & Ryo Mizunami vs Mochi Miyagi & Tequila Saya
4th Match: Weapons Allowed Hardcore Single Match, 30-minute limit
Abdullah Kobayashi vs Risa Sera
5th Match: Triangle Ribbon Championship Title Match, 15-minute limit
Ai Shimizu [Champion] vs Miyako Matsumoto [Challenger] vs Maruko Nagasaki [Invited]
6th Match: International Ribbon Tag Championship Title Match, 20-minute limit
[Champion] Tsukasa Fujimoto & Arisa Nakajima vs Tsukushi & Kurumi Hiiragi [Challenger]
* Shop Holidays: Wednesdays, Saturdays, & Sundays
(Responses may be slow or come the next day if inquiries are sent on these days)
* Signed items and made-to-order (pre-order) items will take some time to prepare. They will be sent as soon as they are ready.
* Due to the shopping site's system you will receive a notification stating that your order is completed. However, you will receive another e-mail from us when your item as actually shipped, along with the tracking information.